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Signup ISSN : 2348-0262, Impact Factor: 1.56 [Google C. Report]
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
(An ISO 9001:2008 certified online journal)

    News & Updates

    Last Date of Paper submission is 22 December 2019.

    January-June 2018, Volume 6 Issue 1 has been successfully launched. 

    IJPMR Impact Factor: 1.56 [Based on Google C. Report]

    IJPMR are invited paper from various Pharmaceutical and Medical Science disciplines for Vol. 7, Issue 2 (July-December 2019) Issue.

Aims &Scope:

This Journal is Bi-monthly, peer reviewed online journal. The aim of 
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research is to published peer reviewed research papers from the field of Pharmaceutical and Medical Science. IJPMR invites authors to submit original and previously unpublished work that communicates research in the field of Pharmaceutical and Medical Science regarding the theoretical and experimental aspects, as well as various real world applications. 

World Class Information:

IJPMR publishes leading edge scientific trusted medical information publishing the frontiers and fueling a continues cycle of exploration and application in field Pharmaceutical and Medical Science. IJPMR hopes that Researchers, Research Scholars, Academician, Consultancy etc. World make use of this journal publication for the development of Pharmaceutical and Medical Science.

Authors note that paper cannot be withdrawn at any condition once it is accepted. The Team of IJPMR advise you, do not submit same article to the multiple journals simultaneously. This may create a problem for you. Please wait for review report which will take maximum 10 Days.

Frequency : 06 issue per Year

Subject category : 
Pharmaceutical and Medical Science.

Published by: World Organization of Academic Research

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