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Signup ISSN : 2348-0262, Impact Factor: 5.37 [Google C. Report]
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
(An ISO 9001:2008 certified online journal)

    News & Updates

    Last Date of Paper submission is 22 December 2019.

    January-June 2018, Volume 6 Issue 1 has been successfully launched. 

    IJPMR Impact Factor: 5.37 [Based on Google C. Report]

    IJPMR are invited paper from various Pharmaceutical and Medical Science disciplines for Vol. 7, Issue 2 (July-December 2019) Issue.

 Reporting Standards:

Authors of reports of original research should present an accurate research work performed as well as an objective discussion of it's significance.

 Acknowledgement of Sources:

Proper acknowledgment of the work of other must always be given.

No. of Pages:

The research article should contain minimum 3 pages to maximum of 10 pages. All pages are strictly formatted according to the IJPMR double column.

Originality and Plagiarism:

The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work this has been appropriately cited or quoted.

Steps of paper publishing

There are following simple steps for publishing paper in International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

1. Author prepares paper as per Paper preparation guidelines.

2. Authors have to submit paper through online submission submit your paper OR mail us at info.ijpmr@gmail.com

3. You will get acknowledgment with in 24 hrs of submission of paper.

4. Within 7-10 days, you will get review report.

5. (a) If paper is rejected, it cannot be publish in The International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research. (b) If paper is accepted, author need to deposit fees in the given account with review report.

6. After deposition fees you have to send the scan copy of bank receipt, filled copy right form and Registration form to info.ijpmr@gmail.com

7. You will get acknowledgment mail and publication schedule within 24 hrs. 

8. Your paper will get publish as per given schedule.