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Title : Heavy Metals Concentration Dynamics Following the Dredging of Nworie River in Imo State, South-Eastern Nigeria
Authors J.U.Udensi, H.C.Nwigwe, R.N.Okechi, C.E.Ihejirika, C.F. Johnson, A.A. Nwachukwu, and H.U. Anuforo
Abstract: The impacts of dredging on heavy metals concentrations of an urban surface water body was monitored. This study was carried out for a period of eighteen months, from July 2010 to January 2012. Water samples were collected from 5 stations prior to, during and after dredging. The heavy metal analysis was done using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer by Shimadzu (AAS- Model 6650). Prior to dredging, the values of the heavy metals were as follows: Iron, Fe(0.03-0.58)mg/l, Copper, Cu(0.01-0.25)mg/l, Zinc, Zn(0.09-0.64)mg/l , Manganese, Mn(0.08-0.94)mg/l, lead, Pb(0.01-0.09)mg/l, Cadmium, Cd(0.00-0.02)mg/l, Chromium, Cr(0.01-0.94)mg/l. During the dredging, the values of the various metals increased: Fe (6.55mg/l), Cu(5. 11 mg/l), Zn(5.82mg/l), Mn(4.01mg/l), Pb(3.02mg/l), Cd(0.91mg/l), Cr(2.00mg/l). Nine months after the dredging, the metals declined in this range: Fe (0.11mg/l), Cu(0.97mg/l), Zn (0.75mg/l), Mn(0.17mg/l), Pb(0.08mg/l), Cd(0.01mg/l), Cr(0.03mg/l). The result of the statistical analysis showed significant difference (P< 0.05) for the variations in the heavy metals values of the water samples. This implies that river-bed sediment has been the reservoir of these heavy metals, therefore the dredged materials once excavated from the river should be capped and confined in geotubes before disposal.
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Title : Investigations of the masticatory function of patients with different types of prosthetic constructions
Authors Desislava Konstantinova, Mariana Dimova
Abstract: The aim of the authors is in conditions of clinical study to investigate the masticatory function in patients with different types of prostheses. Normal function requires the coordinated action of many elements, including teeth, salivary glands, tongue, and masticatory muscles. Dysfunction in any of these areas can result in impaired mastication. Missing teeth and old prostheses are concern to the patients and dentists and this can be a multifactorial problem that involves esthetics, phonetics, mastication and swallowing. The pilot study showed necessity of additional study of masticatory function.
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