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Signup ISSN : 2348-0254, Impact Factor: 5.93 [Google C. Report]
International Journal of Geology, Agriculture
and Environmental Sciences
(An ISO 9001:2008 certified online journal)

    News & Updates

    IJGAES are invited paper from various Geology, Agriculture disciplines for Vol. 13, Issue 1 (January- June 2025) Issue.

    Last Date of Paper submission is 22 June 2025.

    July- December 2024, Volume 12 Issue 2 has been successfully launched. 

    IJGAES Impact Factor:  5.93 [Google C. Report]

Our Testimonials

How to Start a Research Paper

Research papers don't need to be scary. Here's a simple guide to get you started.

How to Develop a Good Research Topic

In this video, you will learn how to develop a good research topic. 

How to Find the Best Research Paper Topics

Simple strategy for finding good research paper topics. Shows you what to focus on and what to ignore. Brings clarity.

Basic Research Methodology Overview

To write a research paper, come up with the topic, determine the paper length, gather research information and take notes on the topic from different sources. 

How to Write a Scientific Research Paper

This is a (sometimes) tongue-in-cheek look at how to write a scientific research paper that is given as part of a graduate student seminar at Oklahoma State University. 

Writing the Introduction to Your Research Project

A guide to research papers: what is a secondary source? how do you use literary theory? what kinds of primary texts are useful?