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Title : Employees Motivation and Work Performance in Various Universities in Nigeria
Authors Professor Jones Osasuyi Orumwense, Dr. Greenaled Mwakipsile
Abstract: The general objective of the study was to establish the relationship between employees motivation and work Performance of private Nigerian investors in Nigeria. Study used a cross-sectional study design on a sample of 108 respondents. Data was collected using a questionnaire and was presented using frequencies and percentages, mean and standard deviation, correlation and regression analyses. Motivation in different part of the job by working along with knowledgeable and skilled supervisors, supplemented by lecturers by less efforts were undertaken to adequately orientate employees, even adequate job instructions motivation, apprenticeship for employee, and job recreation and forms of on the job motivation. The study found out that in relation to quantity of output, the work performance was only good in relation to submitting all required daily and weekly report but was only fiar in as far in as far as attending to the desired number of community people and achievement of target set by supervisor(s) n the private institutions. On the quality of output the employee had achieved a good performance only in relation to recording of low defect/failure rates in work but had only attained fair performance in relations to outputs meeting and specified various university standards and stake holders’ satisfaction with the quality of work produced by the employee. On the timeliness of outputs, the employee felt that they were very good at using official time to perform official institutions duties but had only attained a fair performance in relation to attendance to the required number of community people in time and always meeting deadlines for the tasks assigned. The study found a high positive significance relationship between employee motivation and work performance. The study recommends that the achieve outstanding performance, various Nigerian Universities employee and other stakeholders should offer effective on the job and of the job motivation for employees.
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Title : Agrarian Crisis in India: The Myth of Agrarian Prosperity in the Hirakud Command Area, Western Orissa
Authors Balgovind Baboo
Abstract: A series of food crises in the fifties and sixties compelled India to follow the green revolution module enunciated by US. Several institutes of rural development and agricultural universities worked on the diffusion of agricultural innovation and the Indian peasants were made to believe that inputs such as irrigation, farm mechanization, HYV paddy, chemical fertilizers and pesticides, etc. would increase productivity and make them prosperous in agriculture notwithstanding the disparities in land and access to other resources. Hirakud dam, the longest earthen dam in the world, was constructed during the period 1948-56 basically to save the costal delta from flood, but also to store water for irrigation and generation of hydro-power for industrialization. Data collected from six villages of western Orissa in the early eighties and continuous visits to those villages until recently compel us to believe that general agrarian prosperity is a myth in this area. In the initial phase of assured canal irrigation, inexpensive inputs and incentives of the state, the industrious farmers did well. Later on, however, despite increase in the gross production (overall in most of the years) and the price of paddy, the overall increase in the price of inputs and climatic uncertainties have dissuaded people from sticking to agriculture; most of the farmers are highly indebted and many leaving agriculture and some even committing suicide. The changing map of these villages/ the entire locality is not because of overall agricultural prosperity but for other developmental initiatives.
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Title : Phytoremediation potential of wild plants collected from heavy metals contaminated soils
Authors Reda A.I. Abou-Shanab, Amel A. Tammam, Weam H. El-Aggan, Mahmoud M. Mubarak
Abstract: A field survey of wild plants growing nearby the metal industrial factories was conducted to determine the existence of native plant flora which might be useful in phytoremediation. A total of 24 plants belonging to 7 families were collected from 10 different sites. Soil and plant samples were analyzed for Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn. Each soil exhibited a high concentration of one or more metals. Maximum Pb (328 mg kg-1) and Cu (97 mg kg-1) contents were observed in Glebionis coronaria, while the maximum Zn (180 mg kg-1) and Ni (74 mg kg-1) were obtained by Amaranthus sp. Anagallis bavaria, Amaranthus sp., Chenopodium ambrosioides, Malva parviflora, and Lactuca serriola were collected from site 05, 03, 03, 02, and 08 had highest TF values for Pb (7.9), Cu (6.3), Zn (8.3), Ni (8), and Cr (2.5), respectively. While, C. bonariensis, L. serriola, G. coronaria, C. ambrosioides, and C. bonariensis) collected from site 04, 10, 01, 03, and 09 had the highest BF values for Pb (6.2), Cu (3.2), Zn (7.8), Ni (2.2), and Cr (2.6), respectively. Therefore, these wild plant species may have the potential for bioremediation and can be used for phytoremediation of heavy metals contaminated soil.
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Title : Compton Scattering: A Theory and Experiments
Authors Samir A Hamouda
Abstract: Introduction: Compton scattering is a technique for determining the momentum distribution of electrons in condensed matter. When monochromatic photons are Compton scattered (inelastically scattered) in a fixed direction, the observed energy spectrum of the scattered photons is Doppler-broadened due to the motion of the target electrons. The objective of this review is to present the Compton scattering theory to researchers generally unfamiliar with this phenomenon and to lead the researchers to understanding of the fundamental principles of the Compton Scattering Theory and of the way in which they are employed in logical deductions and analyses. In this review, the theoretical and experimental considerations and energy limitations of the Compton scattering method are discussed. The method for extracting information about ground-state electron momentum densities through an analysis of the Compton line shape is presented. The various Compton sources and Compton scattering in current use are reviewed. Since 1970 Compton profile measurements have become more frequent and the experimental results for many Z-elements reported in the literature have been quoted to an accuracy of better than 1% for the total profiles. Today the Compton scattering is acknowledged as an important technique for investing the electronic structure of materials; it provides a sensitive test for the accuracy of the resulting electron wave functions obtained from different theoretical models. This has been demonstrated in view of the Compton scattering experiments successfully performed over a wide range of incident photon energies (10 - 662 KeV) used in various Compton spectrometer systems distributed around the world.
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Title : Handling Of Solid Residues in the Federal University of the Bahia/Brasil
Authors Garcia Claudia Moreira, Barros Servulo Jose Magalhaes, Pereira Jucelia Campista Da Silva
Abstract: According to the Ministry of Environment (2015), Management of Solid Residues (GRS) is still a set of practiced actions, straight or indirectly, in the stages of collection, transport, treatment, and, final destination inside the environmental standards adapted of the solid residues. In the Federal University of the Bahia – UFBA exists, besides the teaching activities, hospital activities, of laboratory, restoring that produce a considerable quantity of residues. In many unities of the UFBA the collection and the destination of the residues are not being done in appropriate way. So, this article had as I aim to show how there was carried out the management of the solid residues produced in the UFBA, of way to minimize the environmental impacts, to maintain the health of the persons, carrying out works of Environmental Education, minimizing the waste. This model does not follow the rules of a Program of Management of Solid Residues, but yes immediate measures for control of the same thing, being based on the model implemented by UNICAMP (University of the Campinas), as soon as that of the UFBA presents similar physical structure. For so much there was introduced the selective collection and the recycling (production of compound), in the daily life of each unity. One hopes that the UFBA could minimize the aggression to the environment, contribute with the improvement of the esthetic scenery, with a better and healthier life, contribute with the environmental education and pioneers and constant growth maintain his history of actions with excellence.
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Title : Exploitation of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobactria For ACC Deaminase Induced Salt Tolerance In Sugarcane (Saccharum Officinarum L.)
Authors Muhammad Arshadullah, Syed Ishtiaq Hyder, Imdad Ali Mahmood, Muhammad Ammar Ahsan, Rizwan Ahmad
Abstract: Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.), is an important cash crop of Pakistan and plays an important role in the uplift of socioeconomic conditions of the growers. Salinity is one of the most critical constraints and hampers agriculture productions in many areas around the world, including Pakistan. Ethylene is the plant growth regulating hormone produced in response to salinity. PGPR under salt stressed environment exhibits 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase activity which reduces the level of ACC and endogenous ethylene, mitigating the deleterious effects of salt stress on plant growth. The plants inoculated with PGPR having ACC deaminase, are relatively more tolerant to salt stress. The study was carried at National Agriculture Research Centre, Islamabad to investigate the effect of PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) on Sugarcane crop, in saline soil. Completely randomized design was applied with three repeats. Rhizobacterial isolates, i e., RS-17AT, ES-17 SOW, ERS-17 WATERY, RS-17 LY and ES-17 SW, were inoculated to dip with solution mixing distilled water the sugarcane sets of variety YT-55 and inoculated sets were sown in plastic tubs having saline soil (8.00 dS m-1) during spring, 2014. Results showed that plant height was significantly affected by different rhizobial isolates . Maximum plant height (23.66 cm) was attained by inoculating RS-17 AT and maximum plant fresh and dry weights 2.65 and 1.32 g plant-1 were attained respectively by inoculating RS-17 LY strain of bacteria under saline conditions. The results of this study revealed that two rhizobial isolates , i.e. RS-17 AT and RS-17 LY, showed better results than control; showing mitigating salt stress and producing more salt tolerance in sugarcane plants.
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Title : Indigenous farming Practices: A path for green food production in Sudan
Authors Dr. Abu Bakr El Siddig, Ahmed El Tohami
Abstract: Adoption of modern agricultural technologies in Sudan was proved to be disastrous and resulted in food insecurity. This can be easily attributed to vast clearance of virgin forests, excessive use of chemicals as pesticides and fertilizers, mechanical ploughing and use of high yielding verities which are intolerant to the prevailing climatic conditions, soil and water pollution and erosion, etc...
The finding of recent study showed that 13 % of the population in north Sudan suffers from chronic food insecurity and 37% of the population in the North suffers from transitory food insecurity.
This paper is an attempt to highlight the impact of modern agriculture in Sudan on food security and exploring the merits of adopting the traditional indigenous knowledge of the cultivation in Sudan.
The root causes behind food insecurity in Sudan which is one of Sub-Saharan African countries can be summed as follows: environmental degradation, economic and social set – backs, agricultural policies sector bias. However the adoption of traditional farming practices will result in sustainable agricultural production and consequently food security. These indigenous knowledge include a wide range of farming practices such as knowledge of rainy season, periodization of rain fall and adjustment of farming season accordingly, indigenous seeding knowledge, traditional weeding practices, traditional crop rotation, wide spacing and low crop density, improved seeds, seed dressing, fallow periods, agro forestry, traditional farming tools, traditional harvesting techniques and traditional storing techniques.
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Title : Constraints of efficient domestic water supply management in Sudanese cities
Authors Dr. Abu Bakr El Siddig, Ahmed El Tohami
Abstract: Urban population in Sudan is estimated to consume 20 liters per capita per day while rural population is about 8 liters only yet at and a half times the cost per liter. People in pre-urban centers (e.g. Khartoum and Port Sudan), who constitute about 35 % of the total Urban population, generally do not have access to safe water. This paper focuses in identifying the threats or constraints of sustainable supply (in terms of quantity and quality) of and access for water to Sudanese urban centers of Sudan. Reviewing the available literature, interviewing, as well as, EIA technique (cause – and- effect relationship) were used to satisfy the above mentioned objectives. Sustainable domestic water supply in urban areas of Sudan is found to be affected by three groups of factors: those affect the quantity and quality as well as institutional and managerial factors.
Factors responsible for water shortage of drinking water in urban areas can be summed up in the following: rapid urban expansion which resulted from poor development and absence of essential infrastructure in rural areas, insufficient number of domestic water treatment plants, limited capacity of net works, and failure of investment in water supply to match the growth of needs. While the demand is increasing of water losses are also increasing as a result of leakage and breakdown. The unaccounted for losses in the distribution systems in Khartoum are as high as 40%. The quality of urban water supply is also questionable. The following factors were identified to affect water quality: contamination of surface water by heavy loads of suspended loads during the flooding season, septic tanks and soak-away wells in urban areas and distribution networks are old and potential weak links. These factors present a constant threat of contamination of ground water sources. Whereas Institutional and managerial challenges of fresh water consumption in Sudanese cities are: lack of institutional foundation and legislations related to production and distribution of drinking water at both national and states levels, insufficient number of well-trained staff needed for water resource development, production and distribution of water, weak flow of credit to finance development projects in the state had led to poor or insufficient coverage of the actual expenses of water supply and sanitation, delay in paying the water fees by the customers made the situation even more worse, deterioration in the working environment at all levels in different water supply treatment plants or bore-hole stations, poor coordination between the Public Water Corporation and State Corporations with regard to integrated planning for developing water resources and specifying priorities for the water production and distribution., there is no agreed standards and specifications for equipments and spare parts needed for the safe water production, weak provision of water safety to protect surface and ground water resources, no application of technical and modern innovations with regard to the production of safe water because of scarce financial resources, Lack of coordination between the state water resources authorities and Ministries of Industry, Health, Education and other related government departments to protect water resources.
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Title : Algal Biodiversity and Quality of Ponds Water within the Coal City Dhanbad
Authors Suman Dhar, Kumar Nikhil
Abstract: Coal city Dhanbad is famous for coal mining, source for many washeries, power plant, steel industries, fertilizer industries, brick clines, small industries and chimney bhhatta’s. The great source of energy coal comes through underground and opencast mining resultant air, water, land pollution affecting vegetation and agriculture of that area. The water pollution and its severity are measured through algae as bio-indicator. The quality of ponds water within Dhanbad city were sampled and tested for few parameters. The availability of algal species and its diversity correlated with water quality of ten ponds studied has shown different results. The sampling and experiment undertaken in June,2017 studied for algal species frequency, dominance, richness, evenness, diversity correlated with quality of ponds water in ten ponds located in coal city of Dhanbad.
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