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Title : Evaluation of osmotic stress tolerance in wheat genotypes and solidarity of assessed traits using in vitro mature embryos culture
Authors Ehsaneh Khodadadi, Leila fahmideh, Baratali Fakheri
Abstract: In order to evaluate the response of wheat cultivars to drought stress, ten cultured wheat cultivars, in a mature embryo stage were studies based on morphological traits. The study was performed in a randomized complete block design with eight replications in the mature embryo stage. The osmotic stress by polyethylene glycol (6000PEG) Treatments, 0, -2.5, -5, -7.5, -10 were applied in liquid medium on in vitro matured embryos. The results showed that the tolerance of genotypes to applied levels of drought stress was different. The effect of drought stress on assessed traits was significant. Genotypes responded differently at different levels of applied drought stress in terms of these characteristics including number of rootlets, rootlet length, shootlet length, callus volume, regeneration percentage, callus dry weight, seedling fresh weight, seedling dry weight, callus induction percentage, and callus fresh weight and it refers to the fundamental differences between the genotypes studied. The results can be used as indicators for the selection of drought tolerant genotypes. 68DH and Pavan were identified as tolerant cultivars among these genotypes.
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Title : Properties of Different Grades of Concrete Using Mix Design Method
Authors Anum, I, Williams, F.N, Adole, A.M and Haruna, A.C
Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the characteristics exhibited by three different grades of concrete using mix design approach. From the result of the sieve analysis, it shows that the sands used for the experiment is a well graded sand of zone 1 of BS882 parts 2 (1973). The average specific gravity of 2.63 was obtained, this result falls within the lower limits for natural aggregate which have specific gravities between 2.6 and 2.7 Neville (2000). The average bulk densities of uncompacted and compacted sand were found to be 1422 kg/m³ and 1538kg/m³ respectively. The crushed stones used have specific gravity of 2.63, and a compacted and un compacted bulk densities of 1415kg/m3 and 1326kg/m³ respectively, which clarified it as normal weight aggregates. The values of density recorded in this work ranged between 2441kg/m3 and 2558kg/m³. The values of compressive strength ranged between 28.66N/m² to 39.55N/m² up to 28 days of curing, the strength was also observed to increase with hydration period which inform non-deterioration of concrete. The results for the values of flexural strength range between 3.5N/mm² and 6.0N/mm² at 28days of curing.
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Title : Effect of salinity stress on growth performance of Citronella java
Authors Nishant Chauhan and Dheeraj Kumar
Abstract: Salinity adversely reduces the overall productivity of plants. Out of 320 mha of land in India out 8.5 m ha is salt affected. Out of 15 agro climatic zones of India 8 are affected with salinity. Generally screening and cultivation of crops on the salt affected soil is the main approach. Slips of Citronella java were planted in pots containing loamy soil with control 5.0, 10, 15 and 20 d S/m concentration of salts of chloride, sulphate, and bicarbonate(6:3:1) of sodium and calcium(4:1) to see their salinity tolerance.Various concentrations of salt had a highly significant effect upon the survival percentage, plant height, number of branches, herb yield and dry matter yield. Number of leaves also varied significantly. However, leaf length and shoot moisture contents exhibited non-significant difference. The findings suggest that the test species are tolerant to moderate salinity and might be tried on saline soil to obtain some biomass.
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Title : Desertification: Perspectives of land degradation
Authors Anoop Kumar
Abstract: Desertification has been the culprit behind severe ecological losses. Local biotic gets damaged by undesirable changes in the structure and composition of vegetation. Some delicate and vulnerable grasses and shrubs may go extinct and most of the fauna becomes endangered. The mutual interaction between flora and fauna gets imbalanced.
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